Vision and Mission
It is our vision to avoid the abandonment of pets in our country by guiding, promoting and making accessible vaccination and sterilization clinics at low cost.
Our mission is to provide a second opportunity to pets abandoned in Puerto Rico through our Foster Program and then complete the adoption process locally or in the United States.
"As the person in charge of the Foster Program, I want citizens, families and students to be proactive in helping a pet in need. It is not about what the organization does but what one as an individual is willing to do."
Marie Ortiz
"The NFA Godmother and Godfather Program makes it possible for us to help more pets in need every day. Each pet's transformation is a product of their donations."
Grace Moringlane
"The commitment of love when adopting a pet brings happiness to both the animal and its new guardian. It is a decision made with the heart and conscience. Likewise, it is a gesture of kindness and responsibility and it is what we seek through the Responsible Adoption Program ".
Darlene Nieves
Every volunteer have something positive to share in benefit of animal walfare.